Course Schedule
Aug 28: In class: Introductions
Sept 2: NO CLASS
Sept 4: “Welcome to Another Writing Class,” by Rob Drummond / In class: Introduction to thinking and analyzing rhetorically
Sept 9: “More Than One Correct Way” / “The Language in Question” by Benjamin Garcia / In class: language politics and Denice Frohman’s “Accent”
Sept 11: Rhetoric Matters, “Thinking and Analyzing Rhetorically” / In class: excerpts from Reading Rhetorical Theory by Atilla Hallsby / >>>Scaffolding Assignment #1 due: Literacy Audit
Sept 16: Excerpt from Huckleberry Finn / In class: Agency and Ideology, p. 97 Reading Rhetorical Theory
Sept 18: Excerpt from “What to the Slave is the 4th of July” / Excerpt from The Souls of Black Folk / In class: “The Rhetorical Situation” from Reading Rhetorical Theory
Sept 23: “How to Read Like a Writer,” by Mike Bunn
Sept 25: Sula / >>>Scaffolding Assignment #2 due: Literacy Sponsor Assignment
Sept 30: Sula / Introduction to the trickster trope
Oct 7: Sula / >>>1st Literacy Narrative Due
Oct 9: Sula / “Toni Morrison’s Sula: Formation of the Self in Terms of Love-Death Relationships with Others and with Oneself,” by Adriana Jiménez Rodríguez
Oct 14: NO CLASS
Oct 16: Sula / >>>Scaffolding Assignment #3 due: Dialectical Notebook on Sula
Oct 21: Chapter 9: The Research Process (please find the sections for Chapter 9 in the “Contents” pulldown menu).
Oct 23: Poetry is Not a Luxury / “To See Again: Writing Fabulous Features” / In class: Emily Dickinson poem / >>>“Re-visioned” Literacy Narrative Due
Oct 28: Frankenstein / “Seeing (With, Through, and as) Monsters—An Introduction to the Special Issue” by Beyer, Bockwoldt, Hammar and Pötzsch
Oct 30: Frankenstein
Nov 4: Frankenstein / “Don’t Kill Frankenstein’ with Real Frankensteins at Large,” by Maureen Dowd
Nov 6: Frankenstein / >>>Scaffolding Assignment #4 due: Dialectical Notebook on Frankenstein
Nov 11: Great Expectations / “On the Touchy Subject of Class in America,” by Dwight Garner
Nov 13: Great Expectations
Nov 18: Great Expectations / Rhetoric Matters: Multimodal Reading and Visual Rhetoric
Nov 20: Great Expectations
Nov 25: Great Expectations / “The Dickens Universe: Gazing at the Heavens,” by Dominic Rainsford / >>>Scaffolding Assignment #5 due: Dialectical Notebook on Great Expectations
Nov 27: NO CLASS
Dec 2: Excerpt from Moby Dick / “What’s the Deal with Men?” by John Paul Brammer / Phrasebank
Dec 4: Excerpt from Moby Dick / Rhetoric Matters: Sources and Research
>>>Final paper due!
Dec 9: Excerpt from Don Quixote
Dec 11: Excerpt from Don Quixote
Dec 18: Movie: The Man Who Killed Don Quixote
>>>”Revisioning” of final paper due!